Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Artist: Frank Turner

            Born to the son of a knight and the daughter of a Bishop, Frank Turner became a musically inclined in high school. He spent several years bouncing from one band to the next, being in such unknowns (and near unknowns) as: Million Dead, Reuben, The Record Buying Public, Kneejerk, Badger Doritos, Albuquerque Meat Hat, and Dive Dive, Turner decided it was time to go solo when his last band, Million Dead, dissolved over conflicting egos.

            When asked, Turner responded that his decision to strike it out on his own was the next logical step. He enjoyed the atmosphere of touring and being with fans, but didn’t want to deal with the headaches of bands, to which he had an abundance of experience. This logical decision paid off as he was awarded Best Male Solo by New Music Express Awards (NME) in England this year.

            Although he is considered folk-punk (I don’t even know what that means), his genre repertoire is matched only by the number of bands he was a part of, but mostly he gravitated around subsets of punk, hardcore, and alternative. His motivations for his songs is to further the genres he plays in and the bring awareness to issues he is concerned about such as politics. Turner sees the songs as “skeletons” as he has referred to them in several interviews found on line. He believes that once a song is written, how its performed for the audience is what fleshes it out. Turner believes in the duality of folk and punk, keeping traditions, but challenging the establishment and finding what works for you.

Long Live The Queen lyrics

I was sipping on a whiskey when i got that call
my friend Lex was lying in the hospital
she'd been pretty sick for about half the year
but it seemed like this time the end was drawing near
so i dropped my plans and jumped the next london train
I found her laid up and it alot of pain
her eyes met mine and then i understood
that the weather forecast wasnt looking too good
So i sat and spun her storys for a little while
Tried to raise her mood and tried to raise a smile
but she silenced all my ramblings with the shake of a head
drew me close to listen and this is what she said:

"Now you live to dance another day
but now you have to dance for the two of us
so stop looking so damn depressed
sing with all your heart the queen is dead yeah"

She told me she was sick with all the hospital food
of doctors, distant relatives draining her blood
she said "i know im dying ... but im not finished just yet im dying for a drink and for a ciggarett"
so we hatched a plan to book ourselves a cheep hotel
the Center of the city, and to raise some hell
lay waste to all the clubs
and when everyone else is long asleep
then we will know were good and done

"You live to dance another day
but now you have to dance for the two of us
so stop looking so damn depressed
sing with all your heart the queen is dead "
South londons not the same anymore
the queen is dead, the last of the greats!
has finally gone to bed

Well i was working on some words when sarah called me up
she said that lex had gone to sleep and wasnt waking up
well even though i knew that there was nothing to be done
i felt bad for not been there and now well she was gone
so i tried to think what Lex would want me to do
at times like this when i was feeling blue
so, gathered up ome friends and spread the sad,sad news
and we headed to the city for a drink or too
and we sang:

"we live to dance another day
its jut now we have to dance for one more of us
so stop looking so damn depressed
sing with all our hearts

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